Namaha is a Sanskrit word that means “not me” or “it is not about me.”
It reflects the notion that the yogi is not in control of his/her life or the universe and that he/she submits to a higher power or the higher Self. Namaha is used in mantras and shlokas.
In yoga, chanting a mantra is a practice that yogis use to focus concentration on one thought and/or still the mind in meditation. When namaha is part of a mantra, it reminds the yogi that he/she is part of the universe and gains peace only by removing the focus from him/herself.
Source: Yogapedia
While staying in NAMAHA house, enjoy private yoga classes in our retreat in the pool area.
Surrounded by hundred-year-old trees, you can share a meditation session guided by Rosemarie, an experienced yoga instructor who will conduct a private yoga class or meditation session.
- 1 1/2 hour private class with yoga mat included
Exclusive for NAMAHA House, enjoy private massage sessions in our retreat by the pool.
Surrounded by hundred-year-old trees, you treat yourself with an extensive massage session by Rosemarie, with mixed therapeutic and relaxing massage techniques.
$100/1hr. – $130/1½hr.
Customized massage sessions
- Your private massage session
While staying in Nosara or Guiones area, experience NAMAHA Sound Healing sessions.
In a rainforest predominant secluded area, relax and enjoy this sound healing experience guided by Rosemarie, an experienced healer, specialized in sound techniques among other.
$160.- Private session
- 3 hour extended session explained
Rose is a certified reiki master who help you understand this ancient art.
While staying in Nosara or Guiones in Costa Rica, you can learn about this ancient practice with one of the most experienced people on this discipline in this area.
$160.- Private session
- 3 hour extended session explained
While enjoying your stay in Nosara or Guiones, align your chakras.
This workshop is 3 hours long, sometimes more… Be prepared to relax and learn about this ancient art and how it affects your life. Rosemarie has a long experience in this field too.
$160.- Private Workshop
- 3 hour interactive workshop

Let me help you plan your
perfect vacation
I have been living in Costa Rica for the past 15 years... I've lived in several different places and I choose Nosara as my special place. I know my way around and I love to surf and enjoy the perks of living in beautiful Costa Rica, so I know where to go see the turtles nesting, or where to get some nice waves, get surf lessons and also all the yoga activities around the area.
Nosara has had a sustained growth in the last 10 years and has many attractions, -mostly dependant on our awesome climate, nature, and wildlife- that can be better enjoyed with good planning and some useful information I can help you have some fun on a reasonable budget. I hook you up with Horseback Riding tours, ATV tours, bicycle rentals, car/truck transportation, and more.